Saturday, August 31, 2019


Go through this process, writer will be more understand the messages that the author or artist want to convey. In addition, DAIS is actually more to the writer opinion and It can help writer to improve thinking skill from different angles. In DAIS, we no need to create anything and it only need a short of time to write DAIS. On the contrary, design thinking is a process create something that based on our client's opinion, benefit, requirement and condition. The whole design thinking process include empathic, define, ideate, prototype and test.In this process, we need to do a lot of research to collect information before we start designing, for example, observation, interview, survey, analysis data and etc. It will take longer time for the whole design thinking process, because it need times for gathering data, analysis data, brainstorm idea, testing and experiment. In conclusion, DAIS is based on writer own opinion and a process to understand creator message. On the other hand, desig n thinking is based on our clients benefit and requirement. These are the differences between DAIS and design thinking. ) When would you use DAIS and when would you use design thinking? When want to gather some information about artwork or images, I will use DAIS. Because DAIS is simple and suitable to collect data from artwork or image and an understand the artwork in details. When have my own clients who need me to help them solve their problem, I will use design thinking. It is more suitable to understand the need and the way to help my client. C) How are they related? Visualize the relationship graphically. The above image is about how DAIS related to design thinking.The design thinking process is created based on â€Å"the Right Brain initiative† website and then I add the DAIS between â€Å"empathic† until â€Å"prototype†. From my understanding DAIS is included in between empathic until prototype. It start with empathic; collecting data like description i n DAIS, understand our clients and the market trend. Then, define which is analysis the data we get, think from different angle to understand deeper. After that, follow by ideate, it's like interpretation from DAIS. From the view of designer, create something that can related to our clients product, means how to relate our own idea to clients product.Lastly is prototype, present our idea to the clients, try to convey and allow them to judge see whether the idea is suitable for them or not before experiment. This process is like judgment from DAIS. In conclusion, DAIS and design thinking is actually related to each other. Both also have their own advantages and both also can support each other. By using two method at the same time, can make the process more clear and easy to understand. 2. We have discussed a number of problems that needs to be addressed e. G. Single parent, homeless.In one of the tutorials, the different problems faced, research questions, hypotheses and proposed so lutions for single parents was discussed. Would DAIS or design thinking help you to identify better solutions? Why? Yes. DAIS or design thinking have their own step to find out the answer. By following with these step can help me understand and identify he problem easily. Furthermore, these steps can guide and improve my point of view of the problem. For example, we can use different angle to think and to solve the problem. 3. Based on the above, what does Picasso quote on research mean?What does having your own voice mean? Why do We need to acknowledge the source? What would you define as original? Based on the my research, Picasso quote can be define as art-based research can be defined as the systematic use of the artistic process, the actual making of artistic expressions in all of the different forms of the arts, as a primary way of understanding and examining experience by both researchers and the people that they involve in their studies. From my understanding, the word †Å"research† can define as experiment.Picasso explore himself by using art, he using painting to experiment the changing of the color and technique, and how it can change the element and the feeling of the whole painting. As a designer, we are not just sitting there and read data, we always need to experiment different kind of technique to gain knowledge and experience. This is what I understand from that quote. Having my own voice can be define as to stay strong and believe of my own pinion, to adhere my own decision, to speak out what I want to say or have my own freedom. The word â€Å"voice† can represent idea, choices, decision or freedom.For example, a boy making decision on what to study for degree, parent always hope he can go study as doctor, account or some others career that can earn a lot of money, the boy will choose the subject that he is not interest in, it is because the boy do not want to disappoint to his parent. In this situation, the boys voice being cover by his parent voice and he choose to listen his parent voice rather than his voice in his inner heart. We should rye to listen and believe our own voice, because this is our life. Speak out is the only way to get what we really want and what we really need.Based on my research, there are few reason that why we need to acknowledge the source. The first reason is to avoid plagiarism. Since we are borrowing people's facts or document to prove our research, we should be honest to give them credit to prove that we are borrowing their document and not stealing. The second reason is allow reader to know furthermore about the source of material we use. This not only can convince them, but also can help them understand more about what they interest in. The third reason is to enhance our credibility as a writer or researcher.To show how serious and important that this research to us, for example our research subject, objective, argument, ideas, experiment and so on. These are the three main reason that why we need to acknowledge the source. Original can be define as not only new but the very first or one of a kind. From my understanding, original means some object, thing that created by ourselves. It also mean the beginning of something. For example, as an artist, use to create my own anima character when I was free. I will get some references about how my character should act like.Let's say my character are standing, then I will follow those standing reference for my character. The output would be different because with my own art style it will look totally original by me. 4. What have you learnt from the exercise on abstraction? From the abstraction question 1, I had learnt how to think differently and see things from different angle. The meaning and message will change when we change another angle to understand the problem, it can change the tone of our thoughts from negative to positive. This is how those successful people thoughts.For example, create a AD vie w of the word â€Å"HI†, below is the image. As you can see, there are different be;men a, b, c, and d; a is opposite of c, the shape of b and d is same, but b is red color and d is black color. This show that a tiny changes will always bring different. Just like what Richard Bach said â€Å"A tiny change today brings a dramatically different tomorrow'. This is what I had learnt from the abstraction question 2. From the abstraction question 4, there are 2 different things that I learnt when I created an abstract kaleidoscope pattern; one is from Photos, another one is from Sony Vegas 13. . In Photos, I had learnt how to find he Photos tree brush to help me reduce the time on design the abstract art. Then, adding some sketches and TV noise effect on my abstract art. In Sony Vegas 13. 0, I had learnt how use front and side mirror effect to reflect my abstract art. After I reflected it, I added glowing light effect to make it like moving. In last step, is to change the color by using color correction. In my conclusion, had gain new knowledge from abstraction question 2 and 4 which are â€Å"think in different angle† and â€Å"some technical knowledge† in Sony Vegas 13. And Photos. 5. We have also discussed in 3-4 tutorials, what factors would attract the argent audience's attention and leaves them with a wow feeling. Identify these factors and how they are achieved from: a) The activities related to the handout on self-promotion In self-promotion section, we are requested to create a magazine cover that can convey message to the audience. My group are created a magazine cover about Christmas. We separated few step to achieve our goal.First, is to observe competitor's magazine cover, to analysis how they create the magazine, in what kind of style. From our observation and analysis we noticed that most of the Christmas magazine cover is more to the realistic ND warm feeling image. It looks normal and a bit boring with this kind of style, there fore we decide to change it to illustration style. We arranged different kind Of item to form a red Christmas tree on a simple white color layout to catch people attention from different kind of magazine. The spacing and color will emphasis the red Christmas tree.Our objective is to bring back audience childhood's memory and to convey audience to celebrate Christmas with their family. In this section, we learnt how to use the correct art style to promote the product and use the right image to convey message to audience. ) The activities related to the handout on brainstorm (for our clients) In brainstorm section, we are requested to help our client to solve their problem. My group are help a fashion customer to promote his new fashion brand named â€Å"SPACE†. At first, We are trying to understand our client company and his competitor.Then we will discuss with him about his requirement on promoting the brand, such as budge, printing media promotion, location of the printing m edia, the style of promotion, TV advertisement promotion, discount and etc. Based on the data we collect, we will try to search the related information and get some inspiration to create a ester. Based on this section, we learnt how to communicate and handle our client. It is important to do some survey or interview to our client, because sometime our client do not tell us what they really want or need, they confuse and do not understand what kind of information that graphic designer need. . What do you think fun, sustainable design and interactivity mean? Fun, sustainable design and interactivity can define as something that not only can entertain user, but also can deliver the message to user in creative way. With these fun, interactivity and sustainable design, will leave deep impression in the audience mind. User will remember it forever. For example, a horror website game named ‘the house†, this game is created by SHANGHAI. The house is a Flash horror point and clic k games. Player can experience the scary feeling in horror house by just clicking the item in rooms.It is fun and interesting. Remember the first time I play this game is in high school, it really leave me deep impression, until now I still remember this game. In conclusion, a design that include fun, interactivity and sustainable design will always leave deep impression for the audiences. 7. What have you learnt from the various topics covered in the syllabus? Elaborate on three which have impressed you the most. DAIS, design thinking and the process of creating an abstracting art is the things that had learnt.DAIS is one of the method that similar to the previous critique method that I learnt in History of Art. As method before in the question 1, DAIS is a process to gather information and collect data from critique artworks, images or photos. It includes description, analysis, interpretation and judgment. The reason why remember it is because we have discuss DAIS for few times an d we have use DAIS method to solve problem. Design thinking is the second method that always being discuss in lass or compare with DAIS in exercise.I had used this method for my final year project, it is very useful and it guide me a way to solve some of the final year question, therefore it leave deep impression for me. The third thing I learnt in this syllabus is creating abstraction art. The reason why it impressed me the most is because had created an abstract artwork by using Photos and Sony Vegas 13. 0. The process when creating that kaleidoscope pattern is really fun and enjoy. Experiment different effect like changing the color, adjusting the glowing lights effect and editing mirror affliction, this process is like expressing my feeling in art.As a designer or a creator, We should enjoy the process on creating something rather than outcome. In Bruce Man's quote, he mention that â€Å"Process is more important than outcome. When the outcome drives the process we will only ev er go to where we've already been. If process drives outcome we may not know where we're going, but we will know we want to be there. † In my conclusion, DAIS, design thinking and the process of creating an abstract art are method and technique skill that I learnt in this syllabus. Both method an be used in any others subject and can use it to solve the problem in future.

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